
http://www.benjiegillam.com/2009/07/osstatus-iphone-sdk-meanings/ より

errSecSuccess                = 0,       /* No error. */
errSecUnimplemented          = -4,      /* Function or operation not implemented. */
errSecParam                  = -50,     /* One or more parameters passed to a function where not valid. */
errSecAllocate               = -108,    /* Failed to allocate memory. */
errSecNotAvailable           = -25291,	/* No keychain is available. You may need to restart your computer. */
errSecDuplicateItem          = -25299,	/* The specified item already exists in the keychain. */
errSecItemNotFound           = -25300,	/* The specified item could not be found in the keychain. */
errSecInteractionNotAllowed  = -25308,	/* User interaction is not allowed. */
errSecDecode                 = -26275,  /* Unable to decode the provided data. */